What is the punishment for drug possession?
To learn more click here.
How do I fight a drug case?
To learn more click here.
Will my Driver’s License get suspended from a drug case?
Yes, if convicted. If you are not convicted, or placed on a probation that is considered less than a conviction (eg: Pre Trial Intervention, or Deferred Adjudication), your license will not be suspended.
What if they didn’t “read me my rights”?
This will impact whether or not some of the statements you made to the police, if any, are admissible before the jury. This can have little to no impact on a case, or a tremendous impact on a case.
I plan to plead guilty, do I need to hire a lawyer?
Yes. Hiring the best lawyer you can find can have a great impact on the sentence you agree to, even if you intend to plead guilty.
How do I decide if I want to fight my drug case?
To learn more click here.